Wedding Day Behind the scenes - Bridal prep

Might was well post these pictures na. :)

For my bridal prep I chose to use the 1 bedroom suite that was part of our wedding package. I had all my bridesmaids, friends, flowergirls, both moms and sister around to help me prepare on my wedding day. It was a busy room but not chaotic. Though we were on a tight schedule the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.


tin tanael said…
beautiful! :)
sunsh quibilan said…
when my sister was helping me out before my wedding, she said "no wonder we're called bridesMAIDS." hahaha :P
Anj Baun said…
Adorable pamangkin! =)
Chelo Gemina said…
You had a beautiful wedding, Inna. Everything was pretty and you were a relaxed bride. Thank you for making me and Gerry part. Hope all is well with you. We all assume you are busy. Quiet on your front. Take care. :-)