I just saw an episode of Oprah called “Inside the Lives of Hoarders”. In it Oprah’s organization guru Peter Walsh was asking this woman a pivotal question that would help her break free from a prison of stuff she created in her house. His question was, “What do you want from your home?”
No he wasn’t talking about size or style or neighborhood. He was asking the woman and her husband their “House Vision”. Just like any organization or company, a family should start building their home with a Family Vision as well as a House Vision.
Peter Walsh explains it this way: “One of the biggest problems with clutter is that people focus on the stuff. And if you start there, you can never succeed. What's your vision for the life you want, the home you want, this room? You have to hold that in mind. Because without that, you're lost before you start.”
The woman’s answer was simple and I think it’s what every home owner would love to have. She said, “Peace. Harmony. Neatness. Tidiness. A place to call home. A comfort zone I'm happy to be in.” Her husband added, “A place that our family and friends can come visit”.
I would adapt their list and add the words “Sanctuary” and “Refuge”.
I’m looking forward to having my own home.
Source: http://www.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200711/tows_past_20071115.jhtml