This is SO worth doing. Reading the Bible is essential in living the life God wants us to lead. I’m on my 4th round and the Word still feels fresh and new.
It helps to pick up a different version/translation after each turn. I’m on the CEV – Contemporary English Version – given to me by a friend at the Philippine Bible Society. I’ve read the New International Version (NIV) and the New Living Translation (NLT), too.
My tip on reading the Bible in a year: Read 4 chapters a day starting from the Gospel of John.
Four chapters a day will guarantee you finish the Bible in 1 year. I recommend the Gospel of John because for me it is the gospel that best expresses God’s love to us through Jesus. Then you move through the epistles for practical ways of carrying the name of Christ, then the Revelation so you begin with the end in mind. Then when you begin reading the Old Testament, you’ll have a better perspective of how God prepared the world for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. :)
BTW, Merry Christmas everyone!