Where Do You Find Your Shangri-La?

A really beautifully made TV commercial for the Shangri-la Hotels and Resorts presents this wonderful question: "Where do you find your shangri-la"? The word "shangri-la" conjures up images of paradise, a utopia, an idyllic happy land. This was the question I brought along with me during the recently concluded Easter holiday.

It started on April 14, on a very Good Friday that God gave me a chance to relax, break out of the routine and spend quality time with my heavenly Father and my dad in Shangri-La's Mactan Island Resort and Spa in Cebu.

In the midst of relaxing in an infinity pool in the Chi Spa Village on a starry Black Saturday night, it hit me. No, it wasn't the powerful streams of water pounding on my aching muscles nor was it the cool summer breeze brushing strayed tendrils off my smiling face. It was the answer to the question floating with me since the start of my holiday.
I realized that i find my shangri-la in the unfailing presence of my Lord God and the loving comfort of family.

How about you? Where do you find your shangri-la?
