7 things I can't do (8/10)

  1. Head math.
    MS Excel and calculators built-in the mobile phone has dulled my math skills. :( I used to be able to calculate simple arithmetic to algebraic equations in my head and blurting out the answers. Oh well, like what they say, “You lose what you don’t use.” So there.

  2. Wiggle my ears.
    I know people who can. It’s amazing.

  3. Adlib on my violin.
    Our Maestro discouraged playing by ear to get us to learn to read and follow music notation. For me to play something contemporary and un-memorized, I’d have to write down the notes first and create the arrangement.

  4. Drink coffee, iced tea or soda after 3pm...
    ... Unless I don't want to sleep. That’s how strong caffeine affects me.

  5. Knit.
    Just never had the opportunity to learn that skill.

  6. Eat spicy food.
    Turns my stomach upside-down. And no, it’s not similar to the sensation of falling in love. It’s more of an acidic stomach upset that gives me a migraine.

  7. Stay out beyond 12 midnight.
    Dad’s house, Dad’s rules. I love my Dad. :)


Anonymous said…
So that's why you always rush home when we go to gimicks. :) But that's cool...kasi I have an excuse to go home early too. :) I'll link your blog to mine ha. :)