In Formula1, this phrase means the driver is giving his total committment, flying through the kerbs, straight-lining chicanes, flooring the accelerator, late-breaking, exiting fast out of the curve, pushing his engine, settting his sights on the top step of the podium.
For me, this phrase just means I've got a lot to do today on just one project and I want to get them done before the weekend starts :D
BTW, it's also the Hungarian Grand Prix weekend. Looking at the drivers points standing, I think this is Alonso's year to be world champion. In October he'll make history by being the youngest Formula1 World Champion at the age of 24.
Happy birthday Fernando!
For me, this phrase just means I've got a lot to do today on just one project and I want to get them done before the weekend starts :D
BTW, it's also the Hungarian Grand Prix weekend. Looking at the drivers points standing, I think this is Alonso's year to be world champion. In October he'll make history by being the youngest Formula1 World Champion at the age of 24.
Happy birthday Fernando!
